黎塞留是由Pier-Philippe Chevigny执导、阿里安·卡斯特利亚诺斯,马克-安德烈·格隆丁,Nelson Coronado,马克·博普里,米舍利娜·伯纳德,Marvin Coroy,伊芙·杜兰索,Wilson Guerrero,Gerardo Miranda,路易斯·奥利瓦,Antonio Ortega,Hubert Proulx,埃米尔·施耐德主演的剧情片,Arine’s difficult financial situation forces her to return to her hometown, where she takes a job interpreting between a farm’s seasonal workers from Guatemala and their Canadian employers. Although she is supposed to remain impartial, when she repeatedly witnesses the migrant workers’ .. 金牌影院为大家准备了完整关于【黎塞留】的所有相关内容,支持pc网页端、手机mp4免费播放、高清云播放等资源。